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Linka Behn

Linka Behn

A watcher, I collect expressions in the face or shouted in stance of body. Textural history in rusting metals, peeling paint, aging wood describe momentary and transformative life. Combined, they describe individual, moment and time.

“Choices rising” Mixed Media: collage, textured paste surface, acrylic, charcoal 24 ̋ x 48“4-Back” Mixed media: found metals, pastel, textured paste surface, collaged pattern tissue, acrylic, colored pencil, charcoal 18 ̋ x 18

I celebrate women: the curves, dips, rises, landscape of woman’s body- nuances of color within her skin, whis- pers of beauty draped in shadows across her body. Silent stories of history reside in how she rests, sits, stands, folds her hands. She is cloaked in a spiritual ease: an aura of knowing.

Women are an invisible column of continued growth and support in the architecture of our society. I paint commonalities, women’s authenticity from transformation- silent or voiced. exploring layers of shared responses: joy, pain, hope overlaying personal history, exclusion, and involvement. Summoning strength, she rises above to peace-filled knowing of ‘woman.’ I capture this com- mon ‘rising-above’ troubles- her recogni- tion of strength and capability.

I reason what it means to be a woman now, with things to say, to share, to teach. I examine how we make mean- ing in our lives, how we create identity, what we hide, and what we allow to be seen. Women in my world envelope. Understanding her, I understand me.

“4-Back” Mixed media: found metals, pastel, textured paste surface, collaged pattern tissue, acrylic, colored pencil, charcoal 18 ̋ x 18














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