Malley Weber
I am a potter, a ceramic artist/sculptor, and a teacher. My work is elemental and deeply intertwined with my life. I work with the earth in the timeless medium of clay.
I dig my clay by hand near the Androscoggin river 20 miles from my home. The gathering of this clay is a part of my ongoing exploration of ritual. I have made a conscious choice to utilize local materials and fire my work in the most ecologically sound method I can.

“The Garden of Life and Death” earthenware clay wall hanging with terra sigilatta slip, electric fired to cone 04 2 ̋ x 8 ̋ x 9
I am a studio potter. My work is made by hand. I throw clay on the wheel and hand-build functional and sculptural work. I utilize clay as a vehicle for expres- sion of deep emotional grieving. I dig into the clay and I tap into deep emotional sources. I use the power behind these emotions to unearth age-old questions. I have many questions about grief, death, and loss and the cultural norms and needs of expressing deep emotion.
My explorations of death have led me to poetry, performance, and ritual. My performances investigate a new very direct style of communication regarding loss. I seek to understand the relation-ship between Life and Death.
left:“The Garden of Life and Death” earthenware clay wall hanging with terra sigilatta slip,
electric fired to cone 04 2 ̋ x 8 ̋ x 9 ̋
above:“Day of the Dead (Dad’s Funeral)” performance harlow Gallery, hallowell Maine 10/10
right: “Female Mourner” earthenware clay sculpture, electric fired to cone 04 18 ̋ x 12 ̋ x 12